(STILLWATER, OKLA. / Feb. 13, 2023) – United Way of Payne County gave Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma the Bennet Basore Award at it’s annual meeting on January 24.
In the organization’s seventy-year history, this is the first year to set a one-million-dollar goal. “We are ecstatic! This year’s campaign will help more lives than ever,” Ruth Cavins, United Way of Payne County executive director, said. “A big thank you to everyone who made a donation or ran a campaign at their business or workplace. We are also thankful for our amazing board members and their tireless efforts to support the campaign.”
A combination of individual gifts, community fundraisers, workplace campaigns, and corporate donations helped United Way reach its goal. During four months of fundraising, 83 businesses, 203 individual donors, and 1,227 employees pledged or donated. Additionally, 743 donations were made for fundraising events.
“More than 25,000 Payne County residents are helped annually by donations made to United Way,” Cavins said. “This funding is distributed to 22 local nonprofit organizations that provide free or reduced-fee services focused on health, education and poverty elevation throughout Payne County.”
The annual campaign goal is determined by the funding needs of United Way’s 22 partner agencies.
“Our community really responded to the challenge,” Chris Ormsbee, United Way board member and campaign chair, said. “We called on the community to help, and so many of you answered with generosity.”
The proceeds from more than 2,200 donations across Stillwater, Perkins, Cushing, Glencoe, Yale and Ripley will help one out of four residents in Payne County. More than 370 Leaders Society givers, or donors who contribute $500 or more, raised 54% of the campaign’s goal.
Those that have yet to make their donation can still do so. Everything raised over the goal will still go to the partner agencies through special grants.
If you would like to make a donation or learn more about United Way, visit unitedwaypaynecounty.org, call 405-377-2161 or stop by the United Way office at 109 E. Ninth Ave. in Stillwater.
The United Way of Payne County has been serving the Payne County community for 70 years. They invest donated dollars in their 22 partner agencies to improve the health, education and financial stability of every citizen in Payne County.